Lund: Manager Data Converter Technologies (650121)

Hitta ansökningsinfo om jobbet Manager Data Converter Technologies (650121) i Lund. Är det intressant kan du gå vidare och ansöka jobbet. Annars kan du klicka på arbetsgivaren eller yrkesbenämningen för att se alla jobb i Lund inom den kategorin.

Publicerad: 2022-03-07 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Our Great Opportunity!
We are recruiting a person to head the research group “Data Converter Technologies”. The operational scope includes hardware and algorithm innovation for both cellular infrastructure and devices. The group belongs to the Integrated Radio Systems department at Ericsson Research.
The activities comprise both theoretical (simulation) work, IPR creation, implementation, and lab verification. The team is a key part of Ericsson’s radio hardware research and cooperates with both internal and external parties, such as academia, leading IP suppliers, and foundries.
Ericsson celebrates diversity and encourages applicants of all genders and nationalities.

You will
Develop competence, structure ways of working, and drive collaboration.
Set targets for the group and ensure execution and visibility.
Do technical work in cross-organizational teams.
Work with internal partners such as the IPR and Licensing unit, business units, product development units, and market units to ensure Ericsson’s technology leadership.
Interact with key external parties such as universities, research institutes, and industries. This includes establishing, drive and maintain collaboration activities.
Represent both the team and Ericsson Research in customer dialogue and other external events.
Be a role model for co-workers and represent the Ericsson core values – Professionalism, Respect, Perseverance, and Integrity.

To be successful in the role you must have
First-hand R&D experience, with a solid background in integrated circuit design, radio architectures, and people leadership.
Postgraduate degree (Ph.D.) or M.Sc. with experience from management roles in research and/or product development. International work experience, as well as business experience, is positive but not required.
A genuine interest in human communication and interpersonal skills.
First-hand experience and a track record in innovation and/or patent creation.
An interest in the timeliness and quality of your team’s work.
A passion for global technical and commercial trends.
An aim to try new things and methods.
Very good spoken and written English.

Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you´ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and imagination to push the boundaries of what´s possible. To build never seen before solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. You´ll be challenged, but you won’t be alone. You´ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.

To prepare yourself for next steps, please explore here

Please enclose your CV in English.

Due to the GDPR we cannot accept applications sent to email please apply with your CV and cover letter through the system.

Location: Lund, Sweden

In case of questions please contact the recruiter: Versha Sharma at

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Andra jobb i Lund som Driftchef, data

Nedan visas andra jobb i Lund som Driftchef, data.

Enhetschef Datakommunikation & Telefoni till Digitalisering IT och MT i Lun

Läs mer Jan 22
Gör skillnad. Varje dag.

Har du ett genuint intresse för ledarskap, verksamhetsutveckling och stimuleras av att omsätta strategier till taktiska planer och operativa lösningar? Motiveras du av att få utgöra ett viktigt stöd för ledning och verksamhet kring den fortsatta utvecklingen inom vår förvaltning? Nu söker vi en enhetschef till vår enhet Datakommunikation & Telefoni inom verksamhetsområde Infrastruktur & Säkerhet.

Verksamhetsområde (VO) Infrastruktur & Säkerhet innehåller fyra område: Datacenter, Datakommunikation & Telefoni, Digital arbetsplats och IT-säkerhet. Vårt VO har det primära ansvaret att förvalta och förädla moderna plattformar och leverera tjänster till hela Region Skåne. I uppdraget ingår det att upprätthålla en robust, kvalitetssäkrad och tillförlitlig IT-drift.

Här kan du läsa mer om hur det är att arbeta som chef i Region Skåne:

Som enhetschef inom Datakommunikation & Telefoni har du ett stort fokus på att leda och utveckla din verksamhet, din personal och du ansvarar för att enhetens budget är i balans. Ditt ansvar är att tydliggöra uppdraget och kommunicera visioner, mål och strategier. Som ledare är du en inspirerande förebild som främjar nytänkande. Vidare visar du personlig omtanke där du coachar, leder och stödjer dina medarbetare. Du identifierar medarbetarnas styrkor och utvecklingsbehov samt tillvaratar deras kompetens och engagemang.

Vi befinner oss i en förändringsresa där vi flyttar perspektiv och fokus från enskilda system till tjänsteleverans och end-to-end åtaganden. Det är en resa som kräver mycket arbete och vi lutar oss mot ramverket ITIL 4 i våra förflyttningar. Som enhetschef kommer du att ha en central roll i att säkerställa att organisationen tillsammans med våra leverantörer kan leverera tjänster på ett strukturerat och säkert sätt inom området datakom och telefoni. I ditt uppdrag ingår att medverka till att utveckla våra processer inom de ITIL-praxis som verksamhetsområdet ansvarar för och det faller på dig att implementera, visualisera och följa upp ett processorienterat och strukturerat arbetssätt.

I din roll rapporterar du till verksamhetschefen för verksamhetsområde Infrastruktur & Säkerhet och ingår i ledningsgruppen bestående av verksamhetschef, biträdande verksamhetschef och övriga enhetschefer.

Vi erbjuder dig en utmanande roll i en dynamisk organisation med goda utvecklingsmöjligheter. Du kommer att ingå i ett kompetent och engagerat team där du kommer att få möjlighet att påverka och utveckla verksamheten.

Vi söker dig med relevant högskoleutbildning alternativt annan utbildning och erfarenhet som arbetsgivaren finner likvärdig. Vår verksamhet är till stor del outsourcad och det är en viktig förutsättning för tjänsten att du har en bred erfarenhet av leverantörstyrning samt att samarbeta nära och driva en leverans framåt tillsammans med en eller flera leverantörer. Därtill krävs att du har god kännedom kring IT-processerna i en stor och komplex organisation. Vi ser gärna att du har kunskap och erfarenhet av ITIL ramverk i praktiken.

Vi söker dig som har:
• Erfarenhet från liknande tjänst med personalansvar
• Erfarenhet av att leda och utveckla team
• Erfarenhet av tjänster inom infrastruktur för tele- och datakom
• Goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både skriftligt och muntligt

För tjänsten är det meriterande om du har något av följande:
• Erfarenhet av ledningsarbete inom IT-verksamhet
• Kännedom om offentlig verksamhet
• Erfarenhet av organisationsutveckling och leda i förändring
• Certifierad i ITIL v.4

Som person är du strukturerad, analytisk och har god förmåga till helhetssyn och avvägningar i komplexa frågeställningar och situationer. Då du förväntas leda ett fortsatt förändringsarbete ser vi att du har ett strategiskt och taktiskt helhetsperspektiv och står för nytänkande och förändringskraft givet verksamhetens förutsättningar och uppdrag. Självklart delar du Regions Skånes värderingar; välkomnande, drivande, omtanke och respekt.

Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig lämplighet.

Välkommen med din ansökan! Vi ser fram emot att lära känna dig!

Region Skåne finns till för att alla som bor i Skåne ska må bra och känna framtidstro. Genom gränslösa samarbeten och omtanke skapas de bästa förutsättningar för ett hälsosamt liv inom näringsliv, kollektivtrafik, kultur och hälso- och sjukvård i Skåne. Tillsammans gör vi livet mera möjligt.

Förvaltningen Digitalisering IT och MT ger stöd och service till den skånska hälso- och sjukvården. Förvaltningens uppdrag är att införa en modern och sammanhållen digital vårdmiljö parallellt med drift och effektiv konsolidering av dagens befintliga IT-miljö. I uppdraget ingår förvaltning och support av befintliga och kommande system. Medicinsk teknik (MT) arbetar även med service, underhåll, inköp och egentillverkning av medicinteknisk utrustning.
Förvaltningen ansvarar också för de grundläggande vårdinformationssystemen och driver utvecklingen av framtidens vårdinformation. Vi är cirka 350 medarbetare i förvaltningen och finns vid samtliga sjukhusområden i Skåne med huvudsäte i Lund.

På kan du se i vilket skede Region Skånes rekryteringar befinner sig och hur många som har sökt tjänsterna.

Tillbemannings- och rekryteringsföretag och till dig som är försäljare: Vi undanber oss vänligen men bestämt direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av ytterligare jobbannonser

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Läs mer Okt 3
Nu söker vi en driven CPO/Produktägare till framåtlutade och innovativa DRT Solutions AB, i centrala Lund. Som DRTs nya CPO blir du en nyckelperson som ingår i ledningsgruppen med ansvar för att strukturera, planera utvecklingen tillsammans CTO, systemutvecklingsavdelningen och förvaltningsgruppen. Du leder och skapar framdrift med ett tydligt affärsfokus och kundfokus. 

Vill du vara med och leda en förändringsresa med högt engagemang från både ägare, ledning och kollegor med en gemensam och tydlig vision att förena samhällsnytta, kostnadseffektivitet och användarvänlighet i ett och samma IT-system?

Vill du tillhöra ett bolag som står för morgondagens lösningar och gör skillnad för människor?

Då ansöker du på, senast 2023-10-11. Denna rekrytering är ett samarbete mellan DRT Solutions och Randstad. Har du frågor om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta Nadia Milotti på 0768554059 / eller Claudia Baronescu 0708296839 / Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

För oss är det viktigt att all kompetens på arbetsmarknaden tillvaratas. Vi välkomnar alla sökande och eftersträvar mångfald.

DRT Solutions står för hög komplexitet och har marknadens mest moderna system för att kundanpassa sina lösningar till kunder inom kommuner, regioner och även privata kunder med behov av anropsstyrd kollektivtrafik, färdtjänst, sjukresor och skolskjuts. 

Du kommer att äga dina prioriteringar och tydligt definiera road-mapen för utvecklingsteamet genom att skapa rutiner och processer, både självständigt och tillsammans med teamet.
Du är ansvarig för DRTs produkter ut mot kunder och intressenter, och in mot ledning och ägare.
Du kommer bli en viktig del i att ta DRT Solution i framtiden i att bli en fullfjädrad systemleverantör. 

För att lyckas i rollen som DRT behöver du tydligt ha:
erfarenhet som produktchef, med dokumenterad framgång.
dokumenterad IT-system och produktkunskap.
en god teamledning och kunskap om hur man jobbar med IT-utvecklare.
ett ledarskap som skapar en drivande och engagerande kultur.
erfarenhet av arbete med utvecklingsteam med agila metoder.
drivit produktstrategi och utveckling från idéstadiet till produktlansering.
erfarenhet av att samarbeta och driva arbete, skapa strukturer och dokumentation med olika domäner inom ett företag.
kunskap om supportstruktur och tillhörande processer.

Självklart är projektledning är en av dina styrkor och du har svart bälte i kommunikation! 

Har du dessutom erfarenhet av transport/logistik, taxi, buss och omsorgsbranschen är det meriterande.  

Tidigare väldokumenterad erfarenhet som produktchef, arbetat med utvecklingsteam med agila metoder.

Om företaget
Med en kombination av den senaste digitala tekniken och över trettio års kunskap och erfarenhet inom anropsstyrd kollektivtrafik, färdtjänst, sjukresor och skolskjuts skapar DRT Solutions nydanande verktyg och metoder för anropsstyrd trafik. Slutprodukten är lösningar som hanterar dagens utmaningar och leveranskrav inom den offentligt betalda trafiken, men som också kan anpassas efter framtidens önskemål. DRT Solutions har sedan starten 2016 målet att skapa nydanande IT-system och nya metoder för anropsstyrd trafik. Vårt system Drip används idag i ett flertal områden och intresset för oss och vårt system är stort. Visionen är att förena samhällsnytta, kostnadseffektivitet och användarvänlighet i ett och samma IT-system.

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Internal IT Manager

Läs mer Apr 13
Voyado is the ultimate solution for personalization and relevance across all channels-online and offline. Used by retailers and e-commerce companies worldwide, Voyado makes it possible for every brand to engage customers, elevate shopping experiences, and evolve their own businesses.

Voyado is a fast-growing company containing two products with the mission to deliver a best-of-breed solution that matches every customer's need. Engage (, a data-driven SaaS platform within Marketing Automation, CRM, and Loyalty. Elevate ( is intelligent software, that maps analyzes and learns from the visitor's behavior in real time, which allows the e-tailer to present relevant products and offers, adapted to each individual.

Voyado is the leading tool for retail and e-commerce companies that want to personalize communication and customer experiences. We are now a company of 300+ colleagues on an exciting journey and has recently established presence in new markets to strengthen our position in Europe.

If you are ready for your next adventure and want to join our team on our expansion throughout Europe and have an interest in customer care, e-commerce, retail, and tech - keep reading!

About the role

As an Internal IT Manager, you will be overseeing projects and the status of tasks, serving as a bridge between the teams of Internal IT on current activities. We work according to a cloud first strategy and are based in Azure and AWS. You will be responsible for handling new requirements from the company and structuring them into projects. You will have the opportunity to plan and drive the roadmap of Internal IT. You get to work with a range of technology solutions, from hardware to software, and from networking to cybersecurity.

Some examples of your daily work:

- Oversee the maintenance and operation of the company's internal IT infrastructure, including servers, network equipment, and workstations

- Manage and coach the Internal IT team, including hiring, training, and performance management

- Manage and oversee the breakdown of initiatives into tasks/stories in sprints (scrum) with Jira

- Implement IT policies and procedures to ensure the security and reliability of the company's IT systems

- Manage and monitor the company's network security and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations

- Manage the budget for your area and ensure that all projects are completed on time and within budget

- Stay up-to-date with emerging trends and technologies in the IT field and make recommendations for improvements to the company's IT infrastructure

So, who are you?
To thrive in the position as Internal IT Manager, you have at least a few years of experience in IT management or a similar. You have strong knowledge of network infrastructure, security, and you have experience with cloud computing services like AWS and Azure. You have great communication skills in both English and Swedish, analytical and problem-solving abilities, and you like to work in a fast-paced environment.

What's in it for you?

Voyado wouldn’t be the powerful platform it is without the people behind it. We really care for our Voyadoers and some examples of what we can offer you are:

- An engaged team with a knowledge-sharing and friendly culture

- Summits on a regular basis where we hang out, workshop, discuss, and have a good time together

- Opportunity to engage and deepen your knowledge in different initiatives

- Work-life balance - we don't have a long work hours culture, we value engagement over hours worked

- ... And of course, not to mention that we have a pleasant benefits program ;)

Ready to join the team?
Lovely! Applying is super easy. Use your LinkedIn profile (or upload a resume) and answer a few click-in questions (no data entry, we promise). We'd love to get to know you and understand what makes you tick, so write a few lines about what would be an exciting challenge for you going forward. We are eager to get to know you and what you love to do, so be yourself and let that shine through in your?application!

Additional information
As part of our recruitment process we conduct a background check on the final candidate. We use background checks from Scandinavian Recruitment Intelligence ( Here ( you can read more about how a background check is done.

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Läs mer Sep 10
Nu söker vi en driven CPO/Produktägare till framåtlutade och innovativa DRT Solutions AB, i centrala Lund. Som DRTs nya CPO blir du en nyckelperson som ingår i ledningsgruppen med ansvar för att strukturera, planera utvecklingen tillsammans CTO, systemutvecklingsavdelningen och förvaltningsgruppen. Du leder och skapar framdrift med ett tydligt affärsfokus och kundfokus. 

Vill du vara med och leda en förändringsresa med högt engagemang från både ägare, ledning och kollegor med en gemensam och tydlig vision att förena samhällsnytta, kostnadseffektivitet och användarvänlighet i ett och samma IT-system?

Vill du tillhöra ett bolag som står för morgondagens lösningar och gör skillnad för människor?

Då ansöker du på, senast 2023-09-27. Denna rekrytering är ett samarbete mellan DRT Solutions och Randstad. Har du frågor om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta Nadia Milotti på 0768554059 / eller Claudia Baronescu 0708296839 / Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

För oss är det viktigt att all kompetens på arbetsmarknaden tillvaratas. Vi välkomnar alla sökande och eftersträvar mångfald.

DRT Solutions står för hög komplexitet och har marknadens mest moderna system för att kundanpassa sina lösningar till kunder inom kommuner, regioner och även privata kunder med behov av anropsstyrd kollektivtrafik, färdtjänst, sjukresor och skolskjuts. 

Du kommer att äga dina prioriteringar och tydligt definiera road-mapen för utvecklingsteamet genom att skapa rutiner och processer, både självständigt och tillsammans med teamet.
Du är ansvarig för DRTs produkter ut mot kunder och intressenter, och in mot ledning och ägare.
Du kommer bli en viktig del i att ta DRT Solution i framtiden i att bli en fullfjädrad systemleverantör. 

För att lyckas i rollen som DRT behöver du tydligt ha:
erfarenhet som produktchef, med dokumenterad framgång.
dokumenterad IT-system och produktkunskap.
en god teamledning och kunskap om hur man jobbar med IT-utvecklare.
ett ledarskap som skapar en drivande och engagerande kultur.
erfarenhet av arbete med utvecklingsteam med agila metoder.
drivit produktstrategi och utveckling från idéstadiet till produktlansering.
erfarenhet av att samarbeta och driva arbete, skapa strukturer och dokumentation med olika domäner inom ett företag.
kunskap om supportstruktur och tillhörande processer.

Självklart är projektledning är en av dina styrkor och du har svart bälte i kommunikation! 

Har du dessutom erfarenhet av transport/logistik, taxi, buss och omsorgsbranschen är det meriterande.  

Tidigare väldokumenterad erfarenhet som produktchef, arbetat med utvecklingsteam med agila metoder.

Om företaget
Med en kombination av den senaste digitala tekniken och över trettio års kunskap och erfarenhet inom anropsstyrd kollektivtrafik, färdtjänst, sjukresor och skolskjuts skapar DRT Solutions nydanande verktyg och metoder för anropsstyrd trafik. Slutprodukten är lösningar som hanterar dagens utmaningar och leveranskrav inom den offentligt betalda trafiken, men som också kan anpassas efter framtidens önskemål. DRT Solutions har sedan starten 2016 målet att skapa nydanande IT-system och nya metoder för anropsstyrd trafik. Vårt system Drip används idag i ett flertal områden och intresset för oss och vårt system är stort. Visionen är att förena samhällsnytta, kostnadseffektivitet och användarvänlighet i ett och samma IT-system.

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Line Manager Radio BB SW (725547)

Läs mer Jun 2
About this opportunity
In Q3 2022, Business Area Networks announced changes to support our contribution to the company strategy in extending leadership in mobile networks. The principles behind this transformation of Business Area Networks are to strengthen end-to-end development of our market leading products, simplify the development flows and processes, empower our developer community, and ensure our sustainable long-term competitiveness by aligning technology and strategy. To accomplish this and in entering the next phase of our evolution of R&D, we are redefining the Development Unit Networks (DNEW) unit into three new engineering units and strengthening the connection between Technology and Strategy by combining these into one unit.

Hardware Engineering is one of the three new Engineering Units in Business Area Networks, responsible for the end-to-end development for our Hardware products such as Radio and Transport products, including ASIC and FPGA development, as well as optimization of integrated software development flows.

Product Engineering Unit RU Software is a new unit with the exciting role to put SW on the HW map. We are a global team, dedicated to lead SW development for the Radio portfolio with clear interfaces towards Integrated RAN and Cloud RAN. We are in the process of forming the organization, built on key competences, innovation and collaboration for business and technology leadership.

PEU RU Software’s role is to bridge Radio, ASIC and RAN development, evolving the RU SW architecture closely with DU SW architecture while supporting MS RBS and CR needs.

In this position, you will lead the BB SW 4 section in Lund. You will ensure an organization to support and increase multiple skills, always considering the e2e view and always targeting for operational excellence. You will belong to a team responsible to enable long-term SW architecture evolvement, phenomenal developer experience and excellence in BB-Radio development and a solution orientated Radio business.

What you will do
Lead, develop and inspire two development teams, two skilled e2e testers and two SP drivers working in Radio RA:s with the BB L1 SW in feature development, ASIC adaptations and new radio variants
Work in tight co-operation with colleagues in your global leadership team and with your peers in PEU RAN Performance and PEU 2G3G4G that also have teams that are active within the area of BB L1 SW
Work close together with Radio RA:s to understand and support their needs short and long term
Create flow optimized environment for the teams
Support and drive innovation and improvements
Develop a culture of knowledge sharing and learning
Drive technology and product leadership

You will bring
You are a people manager with the ability to understand and empower your team as well as encouraging a culture of learning and development. You will be exposed to different stakeholders, why we see that you by nature have a business and customer focus. To be successful in this role we also want to see a genuine curiosity about people, interest in leading others as well as a deep interest in technology development.

Required is:
Technical education on university level
Some years of experience being a team leader or manager in software development
Experience leading through effective and sustainable solutions while being pro-active, empowering, pragmatic and able to make things happen
Ability to work with change management and formulating strategies and concepts
Ability to act from a holistic view with a flexibility to take on vital tasks
A good understanding of the concepts of Lean and Agile ways of working
Good English language skills in both writing and conversation

Meritorious is:
Experience with real-time embedded/DSP software development
Experience in working with radio baseband or radio protocols
Project management experience

Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you´ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and creativity to push the boundaries of what´s possible. To build never seen before solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. You´ll be challenged, but you won’t be alone. You´ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.

The selection and interview process are ongoing. Therefore, send in your application in English as soon as possible.

If you have any further questions, please contact us:

Recruiter: Emelie Bohlin (

Hiring manager: In this role you will report to Head of PEG BB SW 1

Location: Lund, Sweden

Please note that we do not accept applications sent via e-mail

Vetting including references and relevant background screening will be conducted for final candidates.

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Andra jobb i Lund från Ericsson AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Lund från Ericsson AB .

Area Program Manager

Läs mer Mar 26
Ericsson AB

Join our Team

About this opportunity:
We are on the lookout for a dedicated Developer to join our team at Ericsson. This engaging role involves the development and maintenance of our products and services ? including components, units, nodes, networks, systems, and solutions. As part of your role, you will be tasked with a variety of development undertakings such as requirement analysis, system design, architecture design, hardware design, software design, integration, verification, tools design, and product documentation support, to name a few. You will work according to the Ericsson Product Development Principles, with the backing of specific governance and appointment rules for Developers at stage 8 and 9. More role-specific details can be found in our position description read more
What you will do:
- Deploy the CEE10 Design DGS skill.
- Undertake and manage SDI3 Upgrades.
- Leverage your knowledge sharing and collaboration skills.
- Apply your SDI3 Solution Design capability.
- Perform SDI3 Integration.
- Utilize GDCE effectively.
The skills you bring:
- CEE10 Design DGS.
- SDI3 Upgrade.
- Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Skills.
- SDI3 Solution Design.
- SDI3 Integration.
- Coaching and Mentoring.
- Innovation and Creativity.
- Google GCP.
- AWS Public Cloud.
- Azure Public Cloud.
- AWS Outpost.
What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like
Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you'll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and creativity to push the boundaries of what's possible. To build never seen before solutions to some of the world's toughest problems. You'll be challenged, but you won't be alone. You'll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

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Developer ASIC, Verification

Läs mer Mar 12
About this opportunity
Interested in advanced electronics such as digital signal processing and the newest control logic? Do you get exited by digital design? What about steering and leading and participate in the 5G and 6G wave? Then, we are looking for you!
We are looking for new members to join the Digital ASIC and FPGA organization in Lund. As a verification engineer, you are actively involved in securing the performance and function in our ASICs, used in the Ericsson products!
The position requires good experience in IP and subsystem verification using UVM and System Verilog. The team you will be a part, works on sophisticated high-speed interface development. The IPs that are developed by the team are an integral part of the high-speed Ethernet interface in our products. Our organization works in accordance with agile principle, and we have a close & daily team interaction.

What you will do
Define and implement UVM based test environments for IPs and subsystems
Develop, run and debug test cases
Participate and supply to verification planning and verification specification
Continuously improve and optimize ways of working
Generate documentation
Secure design quality

To be successful in the role you have
Master of Science or equivalent experience in Electrical or Embedded System
Knowledge about verification using System Verilog and UVM
Experience in hardware verification in System Verilog and/or formal verification for at least 3 years
Knowledge in developing test plans and advised/randomized test cases
Good communication and presentation skills in English and/or Swedish

We value a collaborative teammate with a drive to push for perfection. We encourage you to be transparent with your competence; to learn and share with others. We believe you enjoy engaging with third parties. You have the ability to be both proactive and drive improvements for the good of your team(s) as well as working independently when needed.

Following Experiences Will Be a Beneficial Asset
Experience in Ethernet interface implementations
Understanding of embedded real-time system
Experience in top-level or software driven verification
Experience in formal verification
Experience in Agile way of working

Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you´ll have an equal and outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and creativity to push the boundaries of what´s possible. To build never seen before solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. You´ll be challenged, but you won’t be alone. You´ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.

We look forward to receiving your application in English. Please note we cannot accept applications via email.

Primary location for this role: Lund, Sweden.

For specific questions please contact Recruiter: Aleksandra Rusa-Warda,

Encouraging a diverse an inclusive organization is core to our values at Ericsson, that's why we champion it in everything we do. We truly believe that by collaborating with people with different experiences we drive innovation, which is essential for our future growth. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our Ericsson team. Ericsson is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer, learn more.

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Researcher (744612)

Forskare, IT
Läs mer Mar 1
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Job Title: Researcher in Research Area Radio
About this opportunity
Ericsson Research develops new communication solutions and standards. The organization has the responsibility to provide Ericsson with world-class system concepts, technology innovations, and methodology. Rapidly growing demands for mobile broadband access in combination with needs for new technology and solutions motivated by the ongoing transformation of society where everything that benefits from being connected will be connected creates challenging and exciting opportunities. Building on our experience from real network operations, profound knowledge about existing standards, and forward-looking research, we pioneer and excel in innovative ideas and solutions that craft today’s and tomorrow’s mobile radio communication.

Research Area Radio is responsible for providing advanced system and signal processing solutions, including multi-antenna concepts, targeting standardization of radio access systems as well as implementation in network nodes and devices.

Are you passionate about technology and love inventing new things? Are you an exceptionally skilled and motivated Researcher interested in developing cutting-edge technology for future radio networks? Does joining our world-leading radio research team sound appealing? Take the challenge and join our team!
You will
Master physical layer techniques (signal processing, multi-antenna and advanced receiver algorithms, etc.) and radio algorithms (linearization, crest factor reduction, passive intermodulation handling, etc.).
Use your understanding of the capabilities and constraints of communication hardware, considering both current and future technologies.
Use and develop simulation tools for evaluating new solutions.
Investigate concepts and solutions for the continuous development and improvement of existing standards, e.g., New Radio (5G NR), and future radio access technologies, e.g., 6G.
Ensure that the proposed solutions enable efficient overall system performance.
Collaborate with both internal and external partners.

You will bring
For the open positions, we are seeking exceptionally skilled and motivated researchers with competence and experience in signal processing, control theory, wireless communications, and communications hardware, such as antennas, power amplifiers, circuitry, and RF ASIC design. The positions require an M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree, or similar, preferably with demonstrated experience and knowledge in the above-mentioned required skills.

Skills in structured object-oriented programming, e.g., C++, and Python, are required, as simulations will be natural parts of the work in addition to analytical evaluations. Good knowledge in simulation and evaluation tool methodology is desirable. Interest in leadership and leadership experience are further qualifying.

At a personal level, you are good at communicating and enjoy collaboration. You are fluent in written and spoken English. You enjoy working with people who have a diverse set of backgrounds and competencies. You also have the ability to handle theoretical and practical research as well as the development aspects of the role. It is important that you have a strong personal drive and a strong focus on the tasks at hand.
Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you will have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and creativity to push the boundaries of what is possible. To build never-before solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. You will be challenged, but you won’t be alone, as you will be part of a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.
What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.
There are a number of positions available in Sweden, primarily located in Lund.
Include your most recent grades' transcript in your application.
Encouraging a diverse and inclusive organization is core to our values at Ericsson, that's why we champion it in everything we do. We truly believe that by collaborating with people with different experiences we drive innovation, which is essential for our future growth. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our Ericsson team.
Ericsson is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer, learn more.
Primary country and city: [[Sweden]] || [[Lund]]
Primary Recruiter: [[Anitha Pulluru]]

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Manager BB System 1(741954)

Driftledare, IT
Läs mer Feb 20
What you will do

In this position, you will lead the Baseband system 1 section and be reporting to head of RU SW System & Architecture. You will ensure an organization to support and increase multiple skills, always considering the e2e view and always tackling for operational excellence. You will be part of a team responsible to enable long-term SW architecture evolvement, great developer experience and excellence in BB-Radio development and a solution orientated Radio business.

Lead and inspire a team of about 15 system engineers to secure world-recognised excellence in RU SW and ensure that Ericsson stays Technology leader in the area.
Drive the L1 BB system design work with strong product and portfolio focus supporting our business strategies, including right product trade-offs and R&D efficiency.
Line responsible for Radio & BB co-design TAO area
Secure tight collaboration with BB design organizations to secure systemization is anchored in design and continuously secure feedback from design into system design
Drive system design questions and strategies across organizations, e.g. iRAN BB system organization interfacing BB L1 architecture and system design
Secure L1 and RRM baseband system design competence development including simulation competence
Drive and secure BB system design capability in both RAs and Early phase programs according to requirements
Secure and develop system level trouble shooting competence
Task force handling for customer and internal issues
System related customer collaboration
Actively drive efficiency improvements and innovation
Enable a strong, inclusive team culture that never let organizational boarders be a hinder but let collaboration drives technology and business excellence
Define and complete the global strategy and priorities, covering technology, architecture and developer experience
Be an active and forward-leaning contributor in the System & Architecture leadership team, taking line agnostic responsibility for the flow
Inclusively lead the unit, welcoming team members where you create an environment and atmosphere to attract and retain talent, for technology and market leadership.

You will bring

Experience of working in a leadership team. Find it stimulating to work with collaboration, have a genuine interest in people and be a good communicator. Ability to work across organizational boundaries.
Significant product development experience and leading global large development teams, with a demonstrated passion for development and especially the development “craft”
Strong proven experience to have the needed credibility within teams, customers and suppliers
Passionate about technology and solutions and experience in developing evolving technologies
Relevant tertiary qualification or commensurate working experience.
Strategic and big picture thinking, with the ability to focus on delivering on your contribution to Network R&D today and into the future
Authentic, courageous, and inspiring leadership with compassion and humanness, whilst building impactful teams and growing tomorrow’s leaders
Collaborates by default and looks to work together rather than compete, also holding your teams accountable for working as one Networks R&D
Thrives on accountability, overcoming challenges with a can-do attitude and motivated to achieve beyond expectations
Fact-based and timely decisions, stepping forward to make tough decisions even when paradoxes are present, details lacking, or the stakes are high
Customer-first mentality and proactively build this in your team

Why join Ericsson?

At Ericsson, you´ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and creativity to push the boundaries of what´s possible. To build never seen before solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. You´ll be challenged, but you won’t be alone. You´ll be joining a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.

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Researcher in Research Area Radio

Forskare, IT
Läs mer Feb 12
About this opportunity
Ericsson Research develops new communication solutions and standards. The organization has the responsibility to provide Ericsson with world-class system concepts, technology innovations, and methodology. Rapidly growing demands for mobile broadband access in combination with needs for new technology and solutions motivated by the ongoing transformation of society where everything that benefits from being connected will be connected creates challenging and exciting opportunities. Building on our experience from real network operations, profound knowledge about existing standards, and forward-looking research, we pioneer and excel in innovative ideas and solutions that craft today’s and tomorrow’s mobile radio communication.

Research Area Radio is responsible for providing advanced system and signal processing solutions, including multi-antenna concepts, targeting standardization of radio access systems as well as implementation in network nodes and devices.

Are you passionate about technology and love inventing new things? Are you an exceptionally skilled and motivated Researcher interested in developing cutting-edge technology for future radio networks? Does joining our world-leading radio research team sound appealing? Take the challenge and join our team!
You will
Master physical layer techniques (signal processing, multi-antenna and advanced receiver algorithms, etc.) and radio algorithms (linearization, crest factor reduction, passive intermodulation handling, etc.).
Use your understanding of the capabilities and constraints of communication hardware, considering both current and future technologies.
Use and develop simulation tools for evaluating new solutions.
Investigate concepts and solutions for the continuous development and improvement of existing standards, e.g., New Radio (5G NR), and future radio access technologies, e.g., 6G.
Ensure that the proposed solutions enable efficient overall system performance.
Collaborate with both internal and external partners.

You will bring
For the open positions, we are seeking exceptionally skilled and motivated researchers with competence and experience in signal processing, control theory, wireless communications, and communications hardware, such as antennas, power amplifiers, circuitry, and RF ASIC design. The positions require an M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree, or similar, preferably with demonstrated experience and knowledge in the above-mentioned required skills.

Skills in structured object-oriented programming, e.g., C++, and Python, are required, as simulations will be natural parts of the work in addition to analytical evaluations. Good knowledge in simulation and evaluation tool methodology is desirable. Interest in leadership and leadership experience are further qualifying.

At a personal level, you are good at communicating and enjoy collaboration. You are fluent in written and spoken English. You enjoy working with people who have a diverse set of backgrounds and competencies. You also have the ability to handle theoretical and practical research as well as the development aspects of the role. It is important that you have a strong personal drive and a strong focus on the tasks at hand.
Why join Ericsson?
At Ericsson, you will have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and creativity to push the boundaries of what is possible. To build never-before solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems. You will be challenged, but you won’t be alone, as you will be part of a team of diverse innovators, all driven to go beyond the status quo to craft what comes next.
What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.
There are a number of positions available in Sweden, primarily located in Lund.
Include your most recent grades' transcript in your application.
Encouraging a diverse and inclusive organization is core to our values at Ericsson, that's why we champion it in everything we do. We truly believe that by collaborating with people with different experiences we drive innovation, which is essential for our future growth. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our Ericsson team.
Ericsson is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer, learn more.
Primary country and city: [[Sweden]] || [[Lund]]
Primary Recruiter: [[Anitha Pulluru]]

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Radio ASIC System Designer (739825)

Läs mer Dec 14
About this role
As a Radio ASIC System Designer in the PEU (Product Engineering Group) Radio - radio products Sweden, you will work with a wide network of senior designers, specialists, and partners across the global radio development organization. You will be involved in solving technical challenges and develop innovative new technologies and integrated circuits for our world leading multi-standard Radio Products. The right person for this task understands the big picture, has a detailed capable drive and a pragmatic way of dealing with all types of challenges. We believe that you have experience from previous technical developments. We will give you an open climate, and a free and independent role with highly proficient colleagues.
The sophisticated Advanced Array Antenna Systems, drives further integration with more intelligence inside even smaller packages for semiconductors. We seek therefor to increase the ASIC competence in our product system team.

You will report to the Manager Product Systems and the role will be based in Lund, Sweden.

You will
Join the Radio Product System team and ensure that developed products meet the high requirements of operators.
Join a team that spearheads requirements and proposes solutions for integrated electronic components.
Be able to lead pre-studies, requirement settings and technical analysis.
Play a key part in sourcing both off-the-shelf components and application-specific ICs (ASICs).
Collaborating with ASIC design teams to find efficient solutions that meets our requirements.
Work with both Analog and Digital designs.
Understand our need for modularity and propose solutions to fulfill many future product implementations.
Collaborating with research to keep our product solutions outstanding.
Take an instrumental role in advancing and guiding our technical leadership within the high band portfolio.
Pursue and engage with intricate technical challenges.
Drive continuous improvements of radio products and processes, faster implementation of new technology into radio products.
Constantly learn new things and grow as a technical engineer.

You will bring
Master's degree or higher or equivalent experience (7+ years of work experience in a relevant field). In addition, we are looking for candidates with at least one experience in the following area is required, the more the better:
Analog/Digital ASIC and electronics design
Radio and electronic architecture design on HW and SW
Experience in leading teams, projects or organisations
Skills in Radio TX/RX SW development/integration/verification
Energy efficiency for integrated electronics.
5G OTA/beam forming and antenna
3GPP standardization
Business understanding: deep understanding of 5G and Radio business
Good networking ability
Delivering the results and meeting customer expectations

What happens once you apply?
Click Here to find all you need to know about what our typical hiring process looks like.

Please send in your application in English as soon as possible since the process is ongoing.
We look forward to receiving your application in English. Please note we cannot accept applications via email.
For specific questions please contact Senior Recruiter Miros?aw Co? at

Encouraging a diverse and inclusive organization is core to our values at Ericsson, that's why we champion it in everything we do. We truly believe that by collaborating with people with different experiences we drive innovation, which is essential for our future growth. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply and realize their full potential as part of our Ericsson team.
Ericsson is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer, learn more.
Primary country and city: Sweden (SE) || Sweden : Skåne : Lund
Req ID: 739825

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